Why You Should Have Garden Bifold Doors for Your Home

Large, multi-pane garden bifold doors are a great way to bring a breeze of fresh air into your home. But aside from the fantastic air circulation a garden bifold door can provide, why should you have some installed into your home for this summer?

In this article, we will discuss the features of bifold doors that set them apart from other types of doors, as well as the various benefits bifold doors can provide.

Bifold Garden Doors: An Overview

For those of you who are unaware, bifold doors are a specialist type of external, or sometimes internal, door system that utilises large glass panels. They also make use of a tracking system, which allows the doors to slide and fold as they open. 

In recent years, the demand for bifold doors has increased tremendously. This is, we suspect, for a handful of reasons. 

People are becoming educated about the benefits of natural light, which can be experienced more easily with the addition of bifold doors. Moreover, they inject a sense of modern sophistication into the home which wows guests and increases a property’s market value. 

Continue below where we further demonstrate the benefits you can reap by installing bifold doors in the home.


Bifold garden doors allow you to experience the beauty of your garden without obstructions. They help to remove the barriers between internal and external spaces and make your room feel much bigger and more connected to the outdoors. 

Additionally, garden bifold doors fold into each other. So if you decide to let in some air on a hot summer’s day, you won’t need to worry about the doors occupying unnecessary or unavailable space. The panes will simply neatly position themselves towards the edges of the frame.

Your bifold door will act as a visual centrepiece and be a nice point of variation on your walls. So if you’re hoping to enhance the aesthetic of your home, bifold garden doors are a great option.


Possibly the most beneficial aspect of garden bifold doors is the additional security features they provide. Bifold garden doors are perhaps the most secure type of door, contrary to popular belief, and every component has an added level of security that only makes your door all the more secure.  

People may see the large panes of glass and incorrectly assume that they are an easy target for burglars. And whilst they do create transparency between the outside and inside, bifold doors are incredibly resistant to tampering. 

Ordinary patio doors don’t boast nearly the same security as garden bifold doors do, as their large panes and easy-to-lift tracks can allow burglars through your door easily. Fortunately, bifold doors don’t have this problem.


Correctly installed garden bifold doors have incredibly secure tracks that the door cannot be lifted from. The tracks along the frames of ordinary doors are far easier to infiltrate by comparison. So bifold doors are the better option from a security perspective.


The glass on your bifold doors will most likely be made of safety glass, which is an incredibly impact-absorbent and shatter-resistant material. This type of glass is invulnerable to any footballs that you kick about the garden and won’t smash if a burglar attempts to break it.

Increased Resale Value

Although the figures vary, one thing is for certain: installing bifold doors increases the saleability of your property. As we have established, there are a wealth of benefits which can be enjoyed by swapping your doors for bifold. The accumulating benefits, therefore, add pounds to your property’s sale price should you decide to place it on the market. 

With so many homes pushing the boundaries as far as design goes nowadays, it is vital to stand out in a saturated market. If you want to maximise resale value, consider garden bifold doors.

Health Benefits 

Believe it or not, installing bifolds into the home may have health benefits for you and your family. This is because your exposure to natural light is increased. 

Increased exposure to natural light has been shown to reduce blue feelings, improve the ability to focus, aid healthy sleep and is, overall, integral to feeling balanced and healthy. 

This is especially true in winter when sunlight is limited. Increasing your opportunity for sunlight exposure is highly important and benefits you and anyone in the home.

The Glass Door Centre: Helping You Explore the Benefits of Bifold Doors

Our team is ready and willing to help you enjoy the many benefits of a bifold door installation, with products such as our aluminium bifold door. Boasting market-leading solutions and highly competitive pricing, make our team your first choice for your next installation. 
If you have any questions about any of the products in our range or pricing, do not hesitate to contact us here.